Weather App with Flutter


I created a Weather app with Flutter, RxDart and Streams as my first video on Youtube because I'm enthusiastic about Rx and Streams as apposed to Redux or any other imperative way of handling data.


Streams are one of the core concepts of Dart and I think is a pretty powerful mindset. If you've worked with generator functions in Dart or Javascript, then Streams is no different from generator functions. Emitting values to Streams is equivalent of yielding in generator functions. Instead of RxDart introducing it's own API, it uses Dart Streams which is great because RX an Streams get integrated seamlessly. Observable is equivalent to Streams, Subscriber(listener) is equivalent to Observer and StreamController is equivalent to Subject! But we still have Subjects like BehaviourSubject or ReplaySubject cause I think they are more capable of mere StreamControllers. Streams combined with RxDart creates a powerful toolkit for all your asynchronous and event based workflows. You can achieve pretty complicated results with ease in RX for workflows that are asynchronous/event based. Take a look at this code:

import 'package:rxdart/rxdart.dart';

void main() {
  const konamiKeyCodes = <int>[

  final result = querySelector('#result')!;

      .map((event) => event.keyCode)
      .bufferCount(10, 1) // An extension method provided by rxdart
      .where((lastTenKeyCodes) => const IterableEquality<int>().equals(lastTenKeyCodes, konamiKeyCodes))
      .listen((_) => result.innerHtml = 'KONAMI!');

It's a simple Observable created from keyUp event on document. But before subscribing to keyUp events, we do a few transformations. First we get keyCode with map function. Then by the bufferCount method, we buffer emitted events by the length of 10. Since where method is accepting array of keyCode with length of 10, we simple need to check if array sequence is equivalent to KONAMI's sequence(quite easy right?) and listen to that Stream. Let that be handled with any other approach(Redux, global states, OOP) you would need to track all those things imperatively. I think the code above is pretty clean and self explanatory. I mean in 5 lines of code a sophisticated event based logic is implemented; and this is just a simple example of what's possible with RX. You can easily handle more complex asynchronous/event based scenarios with RX and Streams(which is majority of the case in client side applications in my opinion)


Blocs(business logic components) is a pattern introduced by Google to separate business logic from presentation layer. That may sound similar to MVC or MVVM but the main difference is separation of concerns in terms of use cases with respect to business components. For a weather app for example, I created GeoBloc(geocoding, reverse geocoding), WeatherBloc(retrieving forecasts), PositionBloc(GPS related functionalities) which encapsulates a part of the business logic. Each Bloc has a set of Subjects which events gets emitted into them by declared functions and each part of the UI listens to an specific Streams of the Bloc and reacts to it accordingly. Take this PositionBloc:

import 'package:client/rx/blocs/rx_bloc.dart';
import 'package:client/rx/services/position_service.dart';
import 'package:geolocator/geolocator.dart';
import 'package:rxdart/rxdart.dart';

class PositionBloc extends RxBloc {
  final _lastPosition = BehaviorSubject<Position>();
  final _locationPermission = BehaviorSubject<LocationPermission>();
  final _requestingCurrentLocation = BehaviorSubject<bool>();
  final _requestingLocationPermission = BehaviorSubject<bool>();
  final PositionService _positionService;

  Stream<Position> get position =>;

  Stream<bool> get requestingLocationPermission =>;

  Stream<bool> get requestingCurrentLocation =>;

  Stream<LocationPermission> get locationPermission =>;

  PositionBloc(this._positionService) {

  void getCurrentPosition(
      {required Function onPermissionDenied,
      required Function onPermissionDeniedForever,
      required Function(Position) onPositionReceived,
      required Function onError}) {
        (LocationPermission permission) {
      if (permission == LocationPermission.deniedForever) {
      } else if (permission == LocationPermission.denied ||
          permission == LocationPermission.unableToDetermine) {
      } else if (permission == LocationPermission.always ||
          permission == LocationPermission.whileInUse) {
            (Position position) {
        }, (e) {
    }, (e) {

  void checkPermission() {
        (LocationPermission permission) => _locationPermission.add(permission));

  void openAppSettings() {

it exposes a set of Streams(currentPosition, requestingLocationPermission,requestingCurrentLocation, locationPermission ). GPS permission status is loaded on Bloc's initialization but other Streams would get updated by function calls. This Bloc gets used on several pages separately independently, so I guess we are following software architecture best practices like DRY, dependency inversion, open-closed principle, single responsibility pattern, etc.


But beyond business logics, there are long running asynchronously started application services like databases or SharedPreferences, which presumably need to be started once at application startup and disposed at application tear down. These services get used by Blocs to accomplish there tasks so they are initialized and booted up independent of Blocs life cycle. These services get registered at ServiceProvider which is a singleton initialized on application startup and awaited for all services to boot up before application is ready. This is the feather_app which is the root Widget passed to runApp in main.dart:


  void initState() {
    appInitFuture = bootstrapApp();

  Future<void> bootstrapApp() async {
    serviceProvider = ServiceProvider();
    try {
      await serviceProvider.onCreate();
      serviceProvider.setThemeChangeListener((event) {
        setState(() {
          theme = event;
      serviceProvider.setLocaleChangeListener((event) {
        setState(() {
          locale = event;
      settingsBloc = SettingsBloc(serviceProvider.sharedPrefsService);
      setState(() {
        theme = settingsBloc.currentTheme();
        locale = settingsBloc.currentLocale();
    } catch (e) {
      //  TODO: Record crash in crashlytics

bootstrapApp is assigned to appInitFuture and in the build method a FutureBuilder would return application main page or a loading page depending on appInitFuture's state.


Flutter supports e2e testing natively also it comes with a test runner and testing library to write your unit tests. I've written tests for API adapter and API layer to make sure data gets constructed correctly. We can expand testing by adding tests to Widgets and Blocs.

API provider

I'v used Open Weather as my API for now. But API layer is implemented with abstractions in mind to make API sources interchangeable easily.
